Dear Friends and Family,
Greetings once again from Mbeya! Life here is fast-paced as usual. We are currently blessed with house guests, and we are enjoying our time with fellow workers in Christ.
Last Friday, we harvested honey from our bee hives. In April of this year we put two more hives on the premises, although it was too early to harvest them in May. Because of God's amazing creation (the African Honeybee!) we harvests 28 liters of beautiful, amber colored honey (nearly 7.5 gallons). Our Tanzanian friends are amazed at the quality and quantity of our honey, and we have an opportunity to conduct a seminar in town teaching bee-keeping, and at the same time proclaiming God's glory through his creation. Please pray that the Lord will prepare peoples' hearts for this and that the gospel of the Grace of Jesus Christ can be effectively proclaimed through this opportunity.
We are also excited about our Bible correspondence course. We currently have 26 new students from all over our area, and it is encouraging to know people are developing a greater love and understanding for God's Word. Local pastors are helping with correcting these lessons and we are encouraging these men to bring the lessons into their churches for church elders and deacons. We are also planning on doing some radio preaching and advertising in the near future, please pray for these endeavors that the Lord will use them for his honor and glory and for delivering the Grace message to a wide audience, reaching much of southwestern Tanzania.
Kim is also very busy with homeschooling Naomi and being a delightful and thoughtful hostess. While it is often difficult to keep to a normal schedule, Kim is working hard to keep Naomi on track and get through her lessons. We are grateful for Naomi's intelligence and ability to absorb and retain information. Please pray for Naomi's attitude as it can be difficult being the only student.
Please pray as well for Cory as he has recently been made Field Director for Grace Ministries International Tanzania.
We thank you for your prayers and support, and look forward to hearing how you are doing!
In His Service,
Cory, Kim, Naomi, and Elijah Hodgson
To donate to our ministry online, click here and designate your gift to Hodgson Ministry.
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Greetings once again from Mbeya! Life here is fast-paced as usual. We are currently blessed with house guests, and we are enjoying our time with fellow workers in Christ.
Last Friday, we harvested honey from our bee hives. In April of this year we put two more hives on the premises, although it was too early to harvest them in May. Because of God's amazing creation (the African Honeybee!) we harvests 28 liters of beautiful, amber colored honey (nearly 7.5 gallons). Our Tanzanian friends are amazed at the quality and quantity of our honey, and we have an opportunity to conduct a seminar in town teaching bee-keeping, and at the same time proclaiming God's glory through his creation. Please pray that the Lord will prepare peoples' hearts for this and that the gospel of the Grace of Jesus Christ can be effectively proclaimed through this opportunity.
We are also excited about our Bible correspondence course. We currently have 26 new students from all over our area, and it is encouraging to know people are developing a greater love and understanding for God's Word. Local pastors are helping with correcting these lessons and we are encouraging these men to bring the lessons into their churches for church elders and deacons. We are also planning on doing some radio preaching and advertising in the near future, please pray for these endeavors that the Lord will use them for his honor and glory and for delivering the Grace message to a wide audience, reaching much of southwestern Tanzania.
Kim is also very busy with homeschooling Naomi and being a delightful and thoughtful hostess. While it is often difficult to keep to a normal schedule, Kim is working hard to keep Naomi on track and get through her lessons. We are grateful for Naomi's intelligence and ability to absorb and retain information. Please pray for Naomi's attitude as it can be difficult being the only student.
Please pray as well for Cory as he has recently been made Field Director for Grace Ministries International Tanzania.
We thank you for your prayers and support, and look forward to hearing how you are doing!
In His Service,
Cory, Kim, Naomi, and Elijah Hodgson
To donate to our ministry online, click here and designate your gift to Hodgson Ministry.
Visit us on the web at: