October 11,2013
Greetings once again from dry, dusty Mbeya. One of the amazing features of the dry season is the Jacaranda tree. At the height of the dry season, its flowers bloom a brilliant lavender color. What a welcome respite from the dead grass and other withering foliage.
For three weeks in September we had the opportunity to spend time in the Rukwa Valley, currently a 5 hour drive from Mbeya. The first week was occupied with the national church conference in the village of Ilemba. We spent the next two weeks with the Ullyott family, who are running the medical dispensary in Kapenta, where the other missionaries live. Since they are alone in Kapenta right now, we spent time encouraging them and working with them on cultural issues and with Swahili. Please keep the Ullyott family in your prayers (Jason and Emily, with children William (3) and Violet (1)).
We are also happy to report increased growth in the correspondence program. Of our 132 current students, 57 are from the local prisons. Please pray for Cory as he is working on getting lessons and Bibles into the three remaining prisons in the Mbeya region.
Kim is working hard educating Naomi and Elijah. It is fun watching them develop academically. Please pray for patience and strength for Kim as she works with the kids each day.
Thank you so much for your prayers and support
In His Service,
Cory, Kim, Naomi, and Elijah Hodgson
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